White text reading "BC Community Foundations, 2019 Projects" on a blue background with multicoloured squares and lines

$150,000 in Capacity Building Grants Awarded to BC Community Foundations

August 19, 2019

Earlier this year, we launched a granting program for BC’s community foundations to build capacity and strengthen their community leadership role.

In 2019, our granting pool was $150,000. We are so happy to share with you the projects that are being implemented right now around the province.

What is a community foundation? A community foundation is a charity that manages endowment funds which earn income. We turn this income into grants for the nonprofit and charitable sector. A community foundation is mandated to be responsive to the needs of its geographical region. For Vancouver Foundation, it is all of BC. After the government, community foundations are the largest funder of community initiatives.

Why did we launch this grant program? We wanted to support peer learning, collaboration, growth in philanthropy, greater granting impact and increased visibility for our community vision — healthy, vibrant, livable communities across BC. We looked for projects that would strengthen the work and capacity of the community foundation or larger community. It was also important to us that findings and learnings from the projects would be shared with others.

Here are the 15 projects we are so proud to support in our community this year. Many of these projects are now underway. If you live in these regions, be sure to keep in touch with them on their progress.

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2019 Capacity Building Grant Program Recipients

‘On the Table’ Columbia Valley ($9,750)

This grant to Columbia Valley Community Foundation will be used to host eight ‘On the Table’ community conversations, which will build on the Foundation’s Vital Signs report.

Vital Café Podcast Series ($3,935)

This grant to the Community Foundation of Whistler will be used to reach a broader audience for the Foundation’s Vital Café small group conversations by delivering podcasts through a local radio station.

Vital Delivery: Sharing the Results of our 2019 Vital Brief ($3,750)

This grant to Sunshine Coast Community Foundation will be used to expand the reach of the Foundation’s 2019 Vital Signs findings by hosting gatherings to share the information with a wide audience on the Sunshine Coast.​

Neighbourhood Small Grants ($5,000)

This grant to Bowen Island Community Foundation will be used by the foundation to help prepare for the launch of a Neighbourhood Small Grants program in their community in the Spring of 2020.

Scaling up our Administration Capacity to Support Donor Services ($7,886)

This grant to Clayoquot Biosphere Trust Society will be used for staff training and development to assist the Foundation in implementing a new financial software system to allow for more effective and efficient work.

On the Table – Salt Spring Island ($8,200)

This grant to Salt Spring Island Foundation will be used to bring the On the Table initiative to Salt Spring Island as a way to increase social capital and help address pockets of loneliness on the island.

Teaching them to Fish: Enhancing Grantee Program Sustainability ($5,000)

This grant to Sunshine Coast Community Foundation will be used to host workshops for grantees to be able to explore options for sustainable funding alternatives to one-off grants.

Power of Philanthropy ($5,000)

This grant to Coquitlam Foundation , along with Port Moody and Port Coquitlam community foundations, will be used to establish a network of professional advisors. The project will include the creation of a master list of advisors in the region and an information package, as well as the hosting of three events.

Community Awareness Campaign ($1,000)

This grant to Delta Foundation will be used to create a newsletter to raise the profile of the Foundation to help encourage donations and let local charities know what funding opportunities are available.

BC Interior Vitality Report ($15,250)

This grant to BC Interior Community Foundation will be used by the Foundation to create a partnership with the United Way and Thompson Rivers University to produce the first Vital Signs report for the region.

“BeCause” Grant Recipient Marketing Campaign ($5,000)

This grant to LeRoi Community Foundatio n will be used to create a video, as part of a three phase marketing campaign, which will feature testimonials from local grant recipients to raise awareness of the Foundation’s work.

Sea-to-Sky Community Foundations Indicators and Shared Priorities Assessment ($15,000)

This grant to West Vancouver Foundation , in partnership with Bowen Island , Squamish , Whistler and Sunshine Coast community foundations, will be used for a peer-to-peer Vital Signs initiative to build a coordinated strategy to identify needs and issues in the Sea-to-Sky region.​

Neighbourhood Small Grants Program Launch ($5,000)

This grant to Golden and District Community Foundation will be used to help the Foundation prepare to launch a Neighbourhood Small Grants program in their community in the Spring of 2020.

Expanding the Impact in the South Okanagan ($20,000)

This grant to the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen will be used to create and execute a plan to increase the engagement of rural residents in the work of the Foundation.

Vital Conversation ($11,625)

This grant to Comox Valley Community Foundation will be used to host Vital Conversations with children and youth to capture and share with the larger community, the quality of life issues that are important to them.​

Stakw:Water Project ($20,000)

This grant to Port Moody Foundation will be used to partner with the local Salish Arts Collective and Port Moody Ecology Society to offer a series of workshops, community walks and presentations that are intended to introduce the local community to the rich history of First Nations peoples.

Marketing & Community Outreach Program ($10,000)

This grant to Prince George Community Foundation will be used to develop a comprehensive marketing and social media plan which will build on the Foundation’s current strategic plan.

For more information about the Capacity Building Grant Program, please contact Andrew at andrew.kohlgrueber@vancouverfoundation.ca .

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