Two Indigenous women performers in black and red cloaks catching falling feathers in cupped hands as another performer in a woven hat plays a hand drum in the background

Canada’s 150th

February 2, 2017

In 2017 Canada marks the 150th anniversary of confederation – an historic moment with the power to bring people and places together as we dream big about what our communities and our country could be. It’s a chance to encourage all Canadians to contribute to their communities to foster a greater sense of belonging, support meaningful reconciliation and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

To mark our own celebration of Canada’s 150th, Vancouver Foundation is partnering with Community Foundations of Canada to fund local projects and initiatives, and with Reconciliation Canada to support learning, dialogue, and community outreach programs.

Reconciliation Canada

Born from the vision of Chief Dr. Robert Joseph, Gwawaenuk Elder, Reconciliation Canada is leading the way in engaging Canadians in dialogue and transformative experiences that revitalize the relationships among Indigenous peoples and all Canadians.

Vancouver Foundation is proud to partner with Reconciliation Canada during Canada’s 150th. Together, we are engaging communities to explore the meaning of reconciliation.

Find out more about the initiatives supported through our partnership.

Community Fund for Canada’s 150th

Vancouver Foundation is a proud partner in the Community Fund for Canada’s 150th , alongside Community Foundations of Canada, the Government of Canada, and many other private and philanthropic partners across the country.

The goals of the fund are to build vibrant and healthy communities, inspire a deeper understanding about the people, places and events that shape our communities and our country, and encourage participation in community initiatives, activities and events to celebrate Canada’s 150th.

Through the fund, Vancouver Foundation is providing small grants to community organizations to fund local projects and initiatives – primarily through our Neighbourhood Small Grants program.

Other funding for Canada’s 150th

At this time, no other funding opportunities for Canada’s 150th events or special projects are available outside of Vancouver Foundation’s grants.

For information about funding available from Community Foundations of Canada, please check their website .

Reconciliation Canada ,Community Fund for Canada’s 150th

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