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Vancouver Foundation calls for green community projects

August 9, 2012

The City of Vancouver has set out a plan to become the greenest city in the world by 2020. Today, Vancouver Foundation announced a call for proposals from community organizations with innovative project ideas to help make that goal a reality.

August 9 , 2012 –The City of Vancouver has set out a plan to become the greenest city in the world by 2020. Today, Vancouver Foundation announced a call for proposals from community organizations with innovative project ideas to help make that goal a reality.

Successful projects will be funded through the Greenest City Community Grants, a program managed by Vancouver Foundation and co-funded with the City of Vancouver through the Greenest City Fund.

The Greenest City Community Grants program is open to registered charitable organizations whose projects take place in Vancouver and address one or more of the ten Greenest City 2020 Action Plan goals :

    • Climate Leadership: climate change adaption or renewable energy strategies
    • Green Buildings: reducing energy use
    • Green Transportation: enabling active transportation
    • Zero Waste: increasing composting, re-use and recycling
    • Access to Nature: increasing the urban forest, creating habitat and natural spaces
    • Lighter Footprint: promoting low impact food and purchasing choices
    • Clean Air: enabling electric vehicles
    • Clean Water: conserving drinking water
    • Local Food: increasing local food supply
    • Green Economy: supporting social enterprises and greening businesses

A tool and equipment sharing cooperative … a waste reduction challenge event among local organizations … a food scrap recycling educational program for new immigrant communities …

These are a few of the kinds of green projects that could be considered for a Greenest City Community Grant. Projects will be assessed on various criteria, including: measurable impact on Greenest City goals; quality of community engagement; and opportunities for shared learning. Organizations can receive up to $50,000 for an eligible project.

Proposals will be adjudicated by an independent community advisory group comprising individuals with expertise across the range of Greenest City goals.

For more information, please visit our website at

The Greenest City Fund is a fund for community-led green projects that support Vancouver’s Greenest City 2020 Action Plan goals. A partnership between the City of Vancouver and Vancouver Foundation, the Greenest City Fund comprises three granting programs: Generation Green Grants, which fund youth-led projects; Greenest City Neighbourhood Small Grants, which fund projects created by Vancouver residents that benefit their neighbourhood; and Greenest City Community Grants, which fund Vancouver projects led by community-based charitable organizations. The goal of the Greenest City Fund is to help make Vancouver the greenest city in the world by 2020.

Vancouver Foundation helps build more vibrant and resilient communities in BC. We do this by harnessing the gifts of energy, ideas, time, and money of caring citizens to make meaningful and lasting impacts. We are Canada’s largest community foundation and we’ve been investing in communities since 1943.

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