Magazine cover of a dark haired little boy laughing and playing with bubbles, a blue semicircle encircling his head and torso with text reading "Because of you, 2016 in Review. Vancouver Foundation"

Because of you…great things happened in 2016!

May 17, 2017

2016 was another excellent year of learning, sharing and evolving. And as we look back at our activities and achievements, we cannot help but acknowledge that we are only successful in our endeavours because of you. 

You are the donors who provide crucial support to charities. You are the charities that bring forward project ideas addressing the root causes of complex social issues. And you are the advisory committee, board members and community volunteers who have guided Vancouver Foundation through a year full of positive and lasting impacts.

We’ve just released our 2016 Year-In-Review . Inside you will learn about what’s been going on at Vancouver Foundation and discover the impact that donors are making in our community. Take a moment to read through and see how we continue to build healthy, vibrant and livable communities across our province.

Read the Year in Review now!

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